Religious Dvds - You choose the 4 you want!
. Prices includes Taxs & Shipping Costs . All these are Pre-owned and all played great! #1. 2005 A Voice Crying in the Wilderness by Prophet John Mark Pool #2. 2011 Word of the Kingdom by Bill Winston 4 cd disc set. #3. 2006 Crown of Glory by The Prophecy Club & Leslie Johnson #4. (Date unknown) Beyond The Grave by Dr. Jack & Rexella Van Impe #5. 2011 Torn "Small Group Treachings" by Jud Wilhite #6. 2013 Finishing Strong by Intentional Living & Dr. Randy Carlson #7. (Date unknown) What A Friend We Have In Jesus "platinum edition " by Dan Dalton #8. 2011 Restoring Courage by Glenn Beck #9. 2015 Keys To Open Heaven 5 cd set by James A. Durham #10. 2013 Earth's Final Crisis with Steve Wohlberg #11. 2006 Miracles Along The Way 1 dvd + 1 cd #12. 2008 Christian Scott Live At Newport dvd only (not in its original) #13. 2006 Fasting for Power and Anointing The 13 dvd-cds are Pre-owned and all played great! Price includes Taxs and Shipping Costs for 4 items you choose. No Book available!