Religious Dvds - Choose 4 dvds you want
All these dvds are Pre-owned and all played great # Price includes Taxs and Shipping Costs . #'s 1 thur 6 are CBN Dvds and are both in they're Orginal Cases which are: #1. 2019 The Plan #2. 2017 Ask Anything #3. 2016 The Secret Kingdom #4. 2016 Heaven #5. 2019 The I Wills Of God #6. 2012 The Jewish Jesus #7. 2011 Soul Shift Group Study Training 3 disc dvds #8. 2009 EWTN The Fulfillment of All Desire 3 disc dvds #9. (Date unknown) 2 disc dvds Unlocking The Power by Kim Wetteland #10. 2008 God's Fingerprints in Japan 1 &,2 dvd #11. (Date unknown) Creation Waits for Who? by Anne Elmer 5 discs sets # dvds #12. 2008 Faith Like Potatoes & Rust (not in its original case) #13. 2004 The final Events of the Bible Prophecy #14. 2020bEnd-Time Prophecy And You (not in its original case) #15. 2017 T.D. Jake's and Mark aBatterson " Turn Your Dream Into Your Destiny TBN Special Edition 2 dvds + 2 cds set of 4 discs #16. (Date unknown) 7 Signs of Christ's Return by Questar #17. 2010 The Life Of Jesus Christ 2 dvd set. Choose the 4 dvds you want. Only $16. Which includes Taxs and Shipping Costs. All these dvds are Pre-owned and all played great!!