Day of Discovery DVDs - lot of 18 - listed in Description
12 pre-owned DVDs which are: #1. Land of The Seven Churches. #2. The Story of Two King's. #3. Heaven One Minute After You Die #4. Jan - March 2005 #5. July-September 2005 #6. Oct - Dec. 2005 #7. The DaVinci Code - Fact or Fiction (part 2) #8. Jan. - March 2007. #9. April-June 2007. #10. Jan. - March 2008. #11. April-Jume 2008. #12. The Dawning 6 New DVDswhich are : #13. The Story of Two King's (same as #2). #14. Signs of the End if Times (plastic rippend but never opened) #15. The DaVanci Code aFact or Fiction (part 1). #16. Romans #17. Trapped #18. The Jewish Foundation of Christianity. #19. The Dawning (parts 4 & 5) Wow. 19 DVDs for 1 Great price. Remember price includes Taxs & Shipping Costs. :)